“There Will Come Soft Rains”

Anna Balgoyen
1 min readAug 28, 2020


This story by Ray Bradbury was so interesting to me. In the beginning of the story I thought about how well he depicted routine on a day to day base but with a twist. There were constant reminders of what it was, the importance of the day and the things that had to get done before leaving for a work day. I think that his representation of the time being yelled out spoke so well to the strict schedule that we keep ourselves to and that with every passing minute we should be progessing to the next accomplished task. As the story progressed there was the absence of people bringing life to the house and it began to burn down. At that point, the story had a feeling of emptiness and lonliness. The concept was fascinating to me how he described the house burning and almost folding into itself. Watching a house full of family, memories and life is devastating, of course. I chose to look at this story through the description and unique portrayal of life.

The day was August 4, 2026. I found it interesting that we are basically six years from that date. This was written in 2013 so i’m sure 2026 seemed so far in the future. I wonder if the year 2026 had any significance?



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