what is the internet?

Anna Balgoyen
2 min readSep 14, 2020


The question, “what is the internet?” is so broad and I find it hard to wrap my brain around. I am going to try from what I have read, what others say about it and from personal experience. I believe that the internet is a space that is capable of many different tasks through various different entities. The internet is creative. Creativity lies in the broad spectrum of capabilties that the internet and computers in general have. It is then up to the user to utilize the creativity of the internet. The internet has the ability of interconnectedness amung anyone who has access. This amazes me because we have the capability to be in contact with someone no matter the time or space they are in. The downfall of the internet is the damaging and harmful content and capabilties that it also has. In the story, “Online Drug Store A New World” we see the harmful capabilties that it has through the events of Michael Campbell. Within these events, I think it is vital that the internet has the ability to retrace everything we do online. Another controversial topic brought up in the article was the affects the internet has on social well-being and mental health. I believe this needs to be talked about more especially to younger generations as our world becomes surrounded by technology. Carneige Melon did the study and the results were leaked to the public as this, “Internet use led to their having, on balance, less social engagement and poorer psychological well-being.” The internet can be a lot of things but I hope we have more conversations about the affects of internet use.



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